ASPPA Benefits Council of Greater Philadelphia is a local chapter of ASPPA, the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries.

The mission of the ASPPA Benefits Council of Greater Philadelphia is to provide affordable, local educational and networking events for our members. With the help of our corporate sponsors and direct affiliation with ASPPA National, we attract speakers who are industry specialists to help keep our members informed about current developments impacting employer-sponsored retirement plans. Our networking events enable members to interact with one another and our corporate sponsors in a professional but relaxed environment. We have a diverse membership base consisting of retirement plan professionals in all plan administration roles including: Third Party Administrators, ERISA attorneys, CPAs, actuaries, investment advisors, wholesalers, and others.

Virtual Event with Rich Hochman

  • 21 Oct 2020
  • 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • VIA ZOOM -


Registration is closed

2020 has been a very strange year in so many ways.  The Pandemic has had a dramatic impact on the business community, primarily small businesses, though many large firms have also failed or have at least declared bankruptcy.  All these economic changes have had an impact on retirement plans.  Click here for more.

Join the discussion on what your clients’ plans may look like after Covid 19. 

This meeting has been approved for 2 ASPPA, 2 ERPA and 2 JBEA NON CORE credits.

About our speaker:

Richard A. Hochman, JD, APM. Actuarial Systems Corporation

A longtime member of the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries (ASPPA) Rich was President in 2017.  He was honored with ASPPA’s Educator of the Year Award in 2012 and received ASPPA’s highest honor the Harry Eidson Founder’s Award in 2019.  He is among a select group of ASPPA visionaries who has received both Awards.

A frequent speaker at numerous pension industry forums, Rich has been active with ASPPA’s Government Affairs Committee.  He spearheaded industry efforts to both make cash balance arrangements part of the pre-approve document program and including “Actual Rate of Return” Interest Credits in the PPA restatement cycle.  He led an industry Taskforce which was instrumental in bringing about the streamlining and updating of the Pre-Approved Document Program as reflected in Revenue Procedure 2017-41.

A named principal of the McKay Hochman Co., Inc. for nearly three decades, Rich is currently the Director, Retirement Plan Consulting Services at Actuarial Systems Corporation (ASC). At ASC, he is a member of a team of acknowledged retirement industry experts providing best practice solutions on the wide range of administrative and operational issues that confront industry practitioners as they provide qualified retirement plan services.  
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